Monday, March 9, 2015

Mark Graham - fantastic raconteur

Mark Graham with beard and book  Photo: Laura Cummins

Laura Cummins writes:
Mark Graham, described in the LitFest programme as ‘Conker Champion of Ireland, All-Ireland Bucket-Singing Champion and the sixth-best bog snorkeler in Ireland’, last night also proved his credentials as a fantastic raconteur. 

His successful attempt to go to three festivals a week in Ireland for a year has furnished him with some of funniest stories you will ever hear, as well as an ability to share his deeper insights into the madness of Ireland’s incredibly varied small festivals. Particularly touching were his thoughts on the stalwart continuation of local festivals despite hard financial times (sound familiar..?), and the positivity and closer ties to his own country that his journey has given him. 

These kinds of moments, tied in seamlessly with stories of the parish priest having a fag while riding his tractor and festivals that are "wonderful and terrible at the same time" made for an absolutely unforgettable evening.

Audience comments:

An entertaining evening with lots of laughing. Insight into the many types of festivals and Irish characters that make them special. The book looks well worth reading. M

Brilliant! Interesting, entertaining and inspiring. I’ve bought the book and will look out for the next. Phil

Very enjoyable. Real life reading at its finest. Ike

Brilliant! The perfect amount of time for someone to speak about a book. Funny and inspiring. Carli

Very interesting look at festivals in Ireland with comedian Mark Graham who was enjoyable and very funny. Some very funny slides as well. Jonathon

Excellent entertainment, will book a holiday in Ireland tomorrow. Anon

A brilliantly entertaining evening. Mark Graham is a consummate raconteur! Bill

Thoroughly enjoyable and different. A very listenable speaker. Ruth

An enjoyable presentation. Much laughter. Anon

Very enjoyable event. Áine

Nice and informal. T

Great! Thanks!!!  Adam

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