Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Dragon Who Hates Poetry

Dominic Berry with poetry lovers  Photo: Carol Downing
Carol Downing writes:
‘Tremble at my name says the fiend of fire and flame.’

The story of the dragon who hates poetry by Dominic Berry was a lively and energetic performance in the Meanwood Institute, full of energy, jokes and action, with plenty of audience participation, including the audience helping to write a poem about the dragon to make him look good.

Rhyming Rick, the hero, sets out to convince the poetry-hating dragon, who is terrifying the land, that poetry is really cool.  The dragon, however, flies up above Rick’s head and burns all the clothes on Rick’s washing line.  He then threatens to eat him alive!  Rick is so scared he asks the dragon to be kind and not to eat him.  Suzy Sue, a Farmer, suggests writing a poem about all the fantastic things a dragon can do to make him look good.  Rick is not sure but everyone in the village persuades Rick to do this. So with help from the audience -

‘Dragons are fantastic
Dragons are great
I’d love a Dragon
As my mate’.

In the end Rick manages to win the dragon over, and he and the dragon become best friends, writing poems together, and even winning poetry competitions!

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