Keep it bubbling. That's the expression. Let's keep it bubbling. The LitFest will take place in March 2009 - last two weeks. Lots of stuff in the pipeline......Beryl Bainbridge says she wants to come (she spoke to Richard Wilcocks after a reading in Haworth recently).....Colm Toibin has been invited but hasn't replied yet.....Bob Barnard (crime writer as well as Brontë expert) will definitely come, with a talk entitled 'Making Crime Pay' (he used that title when he toured prisons in an educational capacity) and there will be puppets for the very young......all still in transit but will exit into the real world soon.
In the meantime, the bubbles. On Wednesday 16 July at Café Lento on North Lane at 7pm (come early to avoid squeezing in at the last moment) there will be an INTERIM EVENT entitled BIG SUMMER.
That should cover most things....horror....romance....politics....humour....and it will be a SHORT STORY EVENING. These tend to take up a lot more time than snappy poems, so the audience is expected to be sober and patient. Patient anyway. Plenty of coffee.
Ted Marriott and Richard Wilcocks (me) are the booked readers of their short stories. If you have got one, you'll be better off telling people beforehand - contact the blog or come into the cafe to chat with Richard Lindley. It's all free.