The darkly brilliant and remarkably prolific
David Peace (pictured here by Naoya Sanuki) has been booked for the final Saturday – 27 March 2010 - after more than a week of events.
The novel which led to the film
The Damned United was a big word-of-mouth success before the celluloid version, and the Red Riding television plays based on his novels and set in the time of the Yorkshire Ripper clocked up high ratings. David Peace has more recently detonated his explosive mixture of politics, local history, violent crime, humour and horror in the setting of Tokyo, and many commentaries on this and all his writing can be found on the web. Try clicking on one or two of the links on this blog.
The 2010 LitFest programme is being firmed up at the moment. There will be another Poetry Slam at Lawnswood after the great success of this year’s, another sports writing competition for schools, an Irish connection, theatre, and plenty of local talent.
The general theme will be
A Sense of Place.
If you want to help, or offer suggestions, or make criticisms, come to our open consultation meeting on Tuesday 22 September at 7.30pm in the New Headingley Club, St Michael’s Road, Headingley.
Feel free to click on the comment link below, or send an email (see above right) remembering to put LITFEST in the subject line.