Peter Spafford writes:
I want to put the word out about Ralf Thenior, a poet from Dortmund who is spending a week in Leeds from Sept 17th. I’ve organised a few readings/events for Ralf - it would be great if you could make it along to one or more of them.
Ralf Thenior - Ein Dichter aus Dortmund |
Ralf’s visit is part of a Dortmund-Leeds exchange I've initiated - I’m going to Dortmund in October for a week to read at the Literature Festival there. The exchange is a pilot, bravely funded by Leeds City Council; a chance for each poet to meet a new place and write our own poems about the other's city. It’s a deliberate attempt, in the wake of recent events, to reach out to the writing communities of other European cities. Dortmund is twinned with Leeds and seemed a good place to start.
Here are the events:
TUESDAY 19th, 7.30pm: Ralf will co-host Love The Words with me on Chapel FM. Listen at He will be reading, talking about Dortmund, translation, life in general, and chatting to guests.
WEDNESDAY 20th 12noon: Ralf is talking to young people studying German at Lawnswood High School.
THURSDAY 21st, 7pm: In The Neighbourhood, at Oxfam Books, Headingley. Ralf, myself, and Matthew Bellwood will be reading and talking about our respective neighbourhoods. Free event in collaboration with Headingley Litfest.
FRIDAY 22nd, 1pm: Ralf is reading and talking at Leeds Central Library, 1pm. Free event.
FRIDAY 22ND, 7pm: House gig at my gaff, with French chansons performed by Encore. Limited space, but let me know if you want to come along.
I really want to make Ralf welcome. He’s a fascinating poet, working in three languages, and - not incidentally - a very curious and engaging human.