Sally Bavage writes:

What we did get down to was a great
mixed programme of performance, the young writers performing their
poetry pieces in a drama studio set out cafe-style, tea lights
flickering (well, LEDs anyway) to illuminate the audience in a dim
glow. We even had some torch singers, an upper school band and a
trio of dancers. Oh, and a compere who decided to go a la francaise
for the evening. “What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?”
Philippe Phloppe. It did get better after that.
The young people had musical
accompaniment once again from Stella Litras on the keyboards; she
carefully crafts the music to fit the mood of the poem or the dance.
And once again the young poets had been recruited and supported by a
dedicated English teacher, Kate Wolstenholme, in their weekly
after-school sessions.

The finale to the evening was an
ensemble piece, where some of the poets gave reasons to Sir (Matthew)
for 'the empty chair'. Some were a bit like the classic, “A dog
ate my homework” - imaginative, intriguing – and others set up
possibilities that could have been feasible. The occupant of the
'empty chair' finally bounded on stage and in to the 'lesson', with
just a teasing smile and no further explanation. Where had she
been? We were left with the intrigue and the opportunity to applaud
the bravery of those who overcame their nerves to perform their own

Audience Comments
A wonderful evening with some extremely talented young people. An absolute joy to be here!
A very good evening being entertained by the students at
Ralph Thoresby School. This was the first performance by young people I have
been to and I was impressed by the poetry, singing and dancing.
Lovely to see so many young people express themselves.
Enjoyable and very creative.
Fantastically talented kids; lovely atmosphere
Superb event, lovely atmosphere and huge talents! Loved it.
A lovely showcase for young talent. Thank you to the local
councillors for sorting funding to allow it to take place
Nice touch with the candles :). Brilliant performances. I'd
like to have more of these events.
It was very lovely and the children were sensational.
Very enjoyable and inspiring!
Great to see all the emerging talent once again. On a brief
after note - a much better setting this year than last, a proper 'jazz cafe'
feel. Many thanks.
Nice to have it in an intimate environment
Lovely evening and inspiring performances from kids and
adults alike. Thank you!
Good to see such a wide range of performances.
I think it was very good. My favourite person who performed
was Lucy. And also Annie Hallam.
The dancers were best!
Wonderful night. Great performances.
Great talent and a really enjoyable evening.
A very good evening's entertainment, which deserved a bigger
It was good.
I enjoyed it.
“I have more confidence. It was fun,
enjoyable, just as the others said. I have more friends. It has
helped with my English. Matthew [Hedley Stoppard] has listened
carefully to our pieces and given really good feedback. Tough, but
safe.” Hannah
Comments from the young people involved
“I am now more confident, my writing
level has gone up and my teacher has really noticed.” Jack
“I have more confidence in my own
writing, and performing. I was timid but now [I have] opened up.
Would defo come again if it was available.” Joshua
“Really enjoyable, it's my second
time doing this. I even led some workshops on issues to consider
when writing. This year we were exploring more serious ideas.”
Alex M
“Ideas feedback great, that your
ideas count. Enjoyed the writing and appreciated the chance. Feel
that my writing has improved and that I have more ideas flowing.”
Alex B
“it's been good that I am expressing
myself better. Good that it was different ages and what you said was
valued. I like poetry, reading and writing now.” Millie
“People were so nice, they were
enjoying what they were doing. I am more confident now, and want to
write poetry. No-one judges you in this group.” Emma B

“Self-confidence! I enjoy performing
with people, a new pleasure for me. My first performance here and I
am in year 10.” Lewis [who uses a wheelchair]
“Fun. I am proud of writing my own
poetry, and performing it. I want to write more.” Harry
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